mercoledì, maggio 22, 2013

SMBFS mount

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How to Mount smbfs (SAMBA file system) permanently in Linux.In this post I am going to give some examples how to do SMB (Server Message Block) mounts.

Type1 : Listing SMB shared folder through command prompt
#smbclient –L ipadd –U username
Here –L will specify listing of SMB share for the server with ipadd

#smbclient // –U username

Example :
#smbclient –L –U root

Type2 : Mounting SMB share on local folder by using smbmount command
#smbmount //ipadd/sharename /mountpoint –o username=userid,workgroup=workgroupname

Example :
#smbmount // /mnt –o username=steev,workgroup=test

Type3 : Mounting SMB share by using mount command
#mount –t smbfs ipadd:/sharename /mountpoint –o username=userid,workgroup=workgroupname

#mount –t smbfs //ipadd/sharename /mountpoint –o username=userid,workgroup=workgroupname

Example :
#mount –t smbfs /mnt –o username=surendra,workgroup=test

Type4 : Mounting CIFS (Common Internet File System) is nothing but a advanced SMB file system implementation which support RAP (Remote Access Protocol)
#mount –t cifs ipadd:/sharename /mountpoint –o username=userid,workgroup=workgroupname

Example :
#mount –t cifs /test –o username=Surendra,workgroup=test

Type5 : All the above commands will ask password to display/mount the share name, however we can specify the password in command itself as below
#mount -t smbfs -o username=userid,workgroup=workgroupname,password=XXXXX //ipadd/sharepoint /mountpoint/

Example :
#mount –t smbfs –o username=Surendra,workgroup=test,password=xylBJRS8 // /test

Type6 : Mounting permanently by editing /etc/fstab file, below is the fstab file entry example
#vi /etc/fstab// /test smbfs rw,user,username=surendra,password=xylBJRS8 0 0

Save and exit the file and conform that you edited fstab file properly. By below commands
#mount –a

This command should not through any error,
#df –H

This command should n style="font-size: small;"> show mount from server

Type7 : Mounting a share where user belongs to a domain permanently by editing /etc/fstab file
The above command will not work properly for domain users so we have to specify domain as well when specifying username
So now username will be changed to domainusername
#vi /etc/fstab
// /mnt smbfs rw,user,username=testsurendra,password=xylBJRS8 0 0

Save the file and exit then execute mount –a and df –H for just conformation if the mount is done successfully.

Type8:As you people know /etc/fstab file is visible to all the users who logged in, so specifying user password in /etc/fstab file is not that much good procedure.. So there is a work around to resolve this issue, just create a credential file in users home directory and point that file in /etc/fstab file entry as mention below.
#cd ~
#echo username=surendra > .smbfile
#echo password=xylBJRS8 >> .smbfile
#chmod 600 .smbfile

Then edit the /etc/fstab file and specify the entries as below
#vi /etc/fstab
// /mnt smbfs credentials=/home/myhomedirectoryofuser/. smbfile,rw,user 0 0

Save and exit the file and execute mount –a, df –H to check if you did any mistakes..

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